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BAR Editors
02 August 2023
"What would Glen Ford say?" That question is one which we often ask ourselves two years after his passing. Glen was extremely prescient, so much so
Margaret Kimberley, BAR Executive Editor and Senior Columnist
27 July 2022
I was very proud to write the preface to Glen Ford's book, The Black
Glen Ford
, BAR executive editor
27 July 2022
The compilation of Glen Ford's work, "The Black Agenda" was publ
Editors, The Black Agenda Review
13 April 2022
Glen Ford reminded us that Black liberation cannot be found over a cheese plate and mimosas in a $6 million southern California mansion.
Raymond Nat Turner, BAR poet-in-residence
18 August 2021
BAR's poet in residence composes a lyrical and musical tribute to Glen Ford.
…He’s leaving
Margaret Kimberley, BAR senior columnist
04 August 2021
Ford was among the few journalists who took a stance for Black liberation and against imperialism.
Danny Haiphong
, BAR contributor
04 August 2021
Glen Ford was a revolutionary in all that he did.
Ann Garrison, BAR Contributing Editor
04 August 2021
The struggle for his life didn't dissuade Glen Ford from struggling with and for others.
Ajamu Baraka, BAR editor
04 August 2021
Glen Ford carried on his devotion to the liberation struggle until the end of his life.
Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, BAR editor and columnist
04 August 2021
The brilliant writer was also a dear friend and mentor.
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