They try to kriminalize the righteous rage of the people.
“This slaughtering has a historical context and foundation.”
Oppressive power, oppressive governments, the elites, the privileged, those who benefit from the status quo and the institutions that move to protect, facilitate, and reinforce that status always move to kkkriminalize those who rebel against it or attack it. This has been the case throughout his story. Those in power and particularly with oppressive power, get to make the rules and have those rules legitimized, often through force or coercion (prison).
This is why we can't abide by those rules, this is why we can't comply with or respect those rules. Rules that are corrupt, rules that serve and protect genocide, racism and outright murder, we can't abide by.
This is the whole point of rebelling, of non-conforming, of resisting. You don't play a game on a field or chess board with rigged rules, you change the game, you take over the field, you either get a new board or create new rules, fairer rules, just rules, equal rules. You create a better system.
It is the job of those who benefit from the unjust and corrupt rules to dissuade you, to discourage you, to intimidate you, to misdirect you in order to preserve themselves and the oppressive system that it represents. Amerika has always practiced a double standard. It can talk about bringing democracy to foreign countries (which we know to be a lie and propaganda) but you can't bring democracy to the streets of amerika for New Afrikan/Black people and other people of color or poor people in general. Yet you can't bring democracy to the ghettos, barrios, trailer parks, reservations that house working class, so called underclass people, that struggle every day.
“Amerika has always practiced a double standard.”
Yet what amerika can do is put its knee on our necks and kill us in cold blood. I watched a black man be murdered/lynched in real time by a white kkkop, who pressed the life out of a man and nobody physically intervened. Why, because we are continuing to play by their rules, continuing to respect their so-called legitimacy. We honor and appreciate the decision to video the lynching/murder of brother George Floyd, but by the same token we have to have the courage to attack that which we know is wrong and unjust. Save my life as I save yours and we all save our own. They have no right to slaughter us in the streets!
If you watch the video of George Floyd's lynching, when his body was picked up like a wild beast and thrown onto the gurney, it was a face print left in the concrete, where his face had been pressed. It was as if the man’s soul went into that concrete and remained in that outline/print of his face.
The Epitome of Government Hypocrisy
It’s interesting how the powers that be and the average person celebrates the so-called forefathers (of white folk) -- ol george washington, thomas jefferson, incidents like the Boston Tea Party that violently rebelled against oppressive power. Who stated it is a duty to remove and rebel against tyrants?
What we see happening in this country isn't a coincidence. It is not a result of a few bad apples; this oppression, this misery, this slaughtering has a historical context and foundation. This context and foundation is reinforced by its institutions, it is cloaked, masked, legitimized by these institutions and is structural. It is a built in mechanism of the system that was founded on and predicated on slavery and genocide. That original sin, that original contradiction has never been resolved or corrected.
We live in a society under a system that must dominate and exploit in order to survive, that must maintain the gap between the haves and the have nots, that must keep its knee on the necks of the 99% while 1% continue to get fat off of our blood, labor and sacrifice.
We see tens of thousands of people in the streets and the government is using fascist, police state tactics that they accuse governments like Venezuela, Iran and others of. They try to kriminalize the righteous rage of the people, but when the same exact thing was taking place in Arab and Afrikan countries like Egypt, Libya, etc they called it the Arab Spring! That it was bringing in democracy against oppressive governments, so why is it any different for amerika? What did former Secretary of Defense donald rumsfield say about looting in Iraq? He said "looting is the first steps taken on the path to freedom." Now imagine that!!
“We live under a system that must dominate and exploit in order to survive.”
The masses, the people are rebelling and attacking the symbols and institutions of oppressive power and the government has troops on the streets with automatic weapons, the government is using sophisticated technology to monitor and do surveillance against its own people who they claim have a right to protest, to free speech, etc. So why isn't this considered a failed state, a terrorist state that kills its own citizens? That mass detains and incarcerates its people, that shoots rubber bullets and live rounds...isn't it the same thing? What did the orange man in the white house say, "you will be met with vicious dogs and some of the most ominous weapons." Sounded like Saddam Hussein or Assad didn't it?!
The emperor has no clothes on and amerika’s dirty underside is being revealed to the world. The young people of today that everyone discounts and dismisses are the future of tomorrow. You must fight for the society and world that you want to live in. You have to decide what side of history you want to stand on. Because white supremacy, racism and neo-colonial domination are deadly viruses that must be stopped.
Freedom can never be given, it must be fought for, it must be struggled for, it must be taken! We stand in solidarity with the people and their righteous anger.
The price for our lives must increase!
All Power to the People!!
Shaka Shakur can be contacted at:
Shaka Shakur 1996207 K.M.C.C,
P.O. Box 860
Oakwood, Va 24631
Email Shaka at : [email protected]
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