By Raymond Nat Turner, Poet-in-Residence
3rd Reich corporate
confederate circus
1% pickpockets; pin-headed Hitler-lovers
work the crowd… Corporate circus up to old
tricks! Red nose, big shoe, swastika shit show-
Capitalist Hill clowns and clownettes —
Millionaire jesters— juggling medicine bottles,
house keys, children, climate, food, water; While
gaslighting, stonewalling, dangling from fiscal cliffs…
Death cult clowns/clownettes inhaling helium of hate, brandish
double-edged swords —Slashing social service wrists—Cutting
Corporate Taxes. Fascists filibustering for confederate class-war—
pulling plugs/shutting state machine for their billionaire bosses
Circus doubling down as 1/2 star restaurant. “All options
are on the table:” Shooting du jour/War of The Week—
Heaping helpings of elephant excrement/donkey dung
served from barrels of smoking guns on mushroom clouds
Skies cry torrential tears. Screaming155 mph top of their
lungs. Returning to triple digit temps in frozen faces of
Fascist clowns (forgetting to check their embalming fluid)
Tent colonies still spring up like multicolored mushrooms
Ordinary ones… no longer willing to shrink dreams—
instead Supersize chops, courage, resistance. Grow it
Global, robust, big enough to sweep champagne-caviar
Cayman Island cabals away.
Fierce enough to end reigns of monied madmen; greasy
thumbed accountants keeping several sets of books; grifters
engorged on a burning, flooding, collapsing conspiracy called
Raymond Nat Turner is a NYC poet; BAR's Poet-in-Residence; and founder/co-leader of the jazz-poetry ensemble UpSurge!NYC. You can Vote for his work at: GoFundMe and PayPal.